An extensive range of chemicals for mining, manufacturing, water treatment, heavy industry and the oil & gas sectors.

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Alumina – Calcined

Alumina – Calcined
Alumina – Calcined

What is Alumina - Calcined? Calcined alumina is manufactured through further calcination of alumina to remove impurities. The calcination process results in either a chemical grade alumina (KA13) or a smelter grade alumina (KA01).

  • KA13 is a coarse product, with low chemical impurities. It has a medium surface area and a fine primary crystal size.
  • KA01 has a high surface area and low chemical impurities. The product is a sandy, coarse alumina with normal soda.

Where is it applied?

KA13 is typically used in:

  • Fused Alumina
  • Tabular Alumina

KA01 can be used for:

  • Glass making
  • Thermal insulation wool
  • Traditional ceramics

Alumina – Hydrated

Alumina – Hydrated
Alumina – Hydrated

What is Alumina - Hydrated? Hydrated alumina is precipitated crystal from the processing of bauxite.

  • KC30 is a coarse primary crystal and contains some organics, resulting in an off white colour.
  • KB30 undergoes further processing to remove organics. As a result the product is a bright white colour and is suitable for colour sensitive applications. The fine product has a small primary crystal size which makes it easily dissolvable.

Where is it applied?

KC30 is typically used in:

  • Glass
  • Fibre Cement

KB30 can be used for:

  • The production of aluminium chemicals

Aluminium Sulphate – Liquid & Solid

Aluminium Sulphate – Liquid & Solid

Coogee Chemicals manufactures aluminium sulphate from locally sourced raw materials, alumina and sulphuric acid.

It is prepared in solid and liquid form to suit our customers' applications.

The liquid it is a convenient and popular product which can be dosed without the need for dissolving.

The product is suitable for use in the clarification of drinking water. It is used in a range of applications including the treatment of waste water and as additive of concrete admixtures.

Caustic Soda

Caustic Soda

Coogee Chemicals manufactures Caustic Soda at three Chlor-Alkali plants located in Kwinana (WA), Kemerton (WA) and Lytton (QLD).

This product is purely made from salt sourced from a natural salt lake in Koolyanobbing. And, electricity is needed to facilitate the electrolysis reaction.

Caustic Soda is a 50% w/w Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) in solution. It is a corrosive clear water white solution, a class 8 Dangerous Good.

It is used in chemical, mining and mineral processing predominantly for pH adjustment and neutralisation.

If you wish to learn more about the Chlor-Alkali process please proceed to this link:,-WA



Safety Data Sheet

Chlorine Safety Data Sheet

Coogee Chemicals manufactures Chlorine at its Chlor-Alkali plants located in Kwinana (WA) and Kemerton (WA).

This product is purely made from salt sourced from a natural salt lake in Koolyanobbing. And, electricity is needed to facilitate the electrolysis reaction.

Chlorine is a powerful oxidant and is used for a number of processes including water purification and disinfection, as a chemical reagent in manufacturing and mineral processing. It is particularly important in WA for the production of pigment grade titanium dioxide

Coogee entered the drummed chlorine market in 2019 via Coogee-owned drums filled by reputable third-party suppliers off shore. Coogee has successfully been supplying municipal authorities in Western Australia & Queensland for the last 5 years with this supply model, and it is Coogee’s intention for WA to convert to local supply of chlorine with construction of a domestic drum and cylinder filling facility at its Chlor-Alkali manufacturing facility in Kemerton, WA.

If you wish to learn more about the Chlor-Alkali process please proceed to this link:,-WA

Ferric Sulphate

Ferric Sulphate

What is Ferric Sulphate? Ferric Sulphate is a dark red-brown liquid used as a general purpose inorganic coagulant. Coogee manufactures two grades of liquid ferric:

  • Industrial Grade -  a solution which can be used in industrial water treatment and wastewater
  • Technical Grade - a high quality solution manufactured to the Australia Drinking Water Guidelines.


Hydrochloric Acid

Hydrochloric Acid

Hydrochloric Acid is a product manufactured in Coogee's three Chlor-Alkali plants located in Kwinana (WA), Kemerton (WA) and Lytton (QLD).

Like Caustic Soda and Chlorine it is made from salt in an electrolysis process. If you wish to learn more about the Chlor-Alkali process please follow this link.

We offer 2 grades of Hydrochloric Acid: high purity 32% and industrial grade 26-28%

It is commonly applied in:

  • Gold mining for the stripping of gold and regeneration of activated carbon
  • Pickling and metal cleaning
  • Development of wells in petroleum exploration
  • pH control and neutralisation
  • Chemical manufacturing, the production of inorganic and organic compounds

Molten Sulphur

Molten Sulphur
Molten Sulphur

What is Sulphur - Pastille? Sulphur (S), also known as Elemental Sulphur, is a yellow granular solid.

It is an abundant, tasteless element. Sulphur’s most notable characteristic is its infamous smell – frequently compared to rotten eggs. Sulphur is found naturally in meteorites, volcanoes, hot springs, and as galena, gypsum, Epsom salts, and barite. Almost all the worlds sulphur is now recovered from crude oil.

Sodium Aluminate Solution

Sodium Aluminate Solution

What is Sodium Aluminate - Liquid? Sodium Aluminate, NaAlO2, is a clear liquid that is light brown in colour. It is an important commercial inorganic chemical.

Where is it applied?

Sodium Aluminate can be used in a number of areas, for example :

  • Mineral processing: as a coating extender in the Titanium Dioxide Pigment Industry
  • Chemical manufacturing: as a feed material for white alumina trihydrate and zeolite production
  • A cement additive to accelerate setting.
  • Water treatment, as a coagulant aid to improve flocculation, and for removing dissolved silica
  • In the paper industry

Sodium Hypochlorite

Sodium Hypochlorite
Sodium Hypochlorite

What is Sodium Hypochlorite?  Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl), is a clear yellow liquid with a chlorine odour. We manufacture the Sodium Hypochlorite in our Chlor Alkali plants from common salt.

It is also referred to as Hypo, Bleach, Liquid Chlorine and swimming pool chlorine.

Where is it applied?

This product is commonly used as

  • A disinfectant / sanitising agent. Commonly used to sterilise Drinking Water, Waste Water, and Swimming Pools and Spas.
  • A bleaching agent
  • An oxidising agent in chemical manufacturing

Sodium Silicate Solution

Sodium Silicate Solution

What is Sodium Silicate? Sodium Silicate Solutions (Waterglass) are clear colourless to light brown solutions of Sodium Silicate with varying ratios of SiO2 to Na2O, solids contents, and viscosity. The formulations vary from 2 SiO2:Na2O to 3.2 SiO2:Na2O.

Coogee manufactures a range of silcate solutions to meet the customers’ requirements.

Where is it applied?

Sodium Silicates are versatile, inorganic chemicals that are utilised in a number of applications.

  • Silica Gel - The greatest single use of Sodium Silicates is as raw material for making silica gel, and in the manufacture of catalysts
  • Foundry – Sodium Silicates work well as core binders
  • Mineral processing / Paint / Pigment - As a coating extender
  • Detergent manufacture
  • Mining and construction : as a concrete setting additive
  • Water Treatment – Sodium Silicates act to inhibit corrosion of metal surfaces where industrial water is being stored
  • Silica Gel - Sodium Silicates is as raw material for making silica gel, and in the manufacture of catalysts

Sulphur – Pastille

Sulphur – Pastille

What is Sulphur - Pastille? Sulphur (S), also known as Elemental Sulphur, is a yellow granular solid.

It is an abundant, tasteless element. Sulphur’s most notable characteristic is its infamous smell – frequently compared to rotten eggs. Sulphur is found naturally in meteorites, volcanoes, hot springs, and as galena, gypsum, Epsom salts, and barite. Almost all the worlds sulphur is now recovered from crude oil.

Where is it applied?

  • Sulphuric Acid production is the major end-use for Sulphur.
  • As an additive to fertilisers, insecticides and fungicides.
  • Mineral processing
  • An additive in rubber vulcanisation, and as an industrial fluxing agent.

Sulphuric Acid

Sulphuric Acid

What is Sulphuric Acid? Sulphuric Acid, H2SO4, is commonly referred to as Oil of Vitriol or Brimstone Acid, and can be described as a clear water white solution. It is a strong mineral acid and is soluble in water at all concentrations.

Where is it applied?

On a world scale, Sulphuric Acid is produced in greater amounts than any other chemical, besides water. It can be applied in a number of industries, namely:

  • Agriculture - Production of Superphosphate
  • Mining - Heap Leaching
  • Chemical – Manufacture of numerous compounds
  • Batteries – As an electrolyte
  • Wastewater Processing

Titanium Alloy Powder

Titanium Alloy Powder

Coogee Titanium has developed a continuous process for the production of Titanium Alloy Powder.

This new process has the following features:

• Based on existing Kroll chemistry.
• Capable of multiple titanium alloys.
• Melt-free technology.
• Customization of particle size.
• Ti-6AI-4V ELI capability (Extra Low Interstitials)


• 50 tpa Pilot Plant & Alloy Development, Melbourne, Laverton, VIC.
• 200 tpa Demonstration Facility (2019 Commissioned), Perth, Kwinana, WA.

For news about Coogee Titanium’s forthcoming updates please proceed to this link:

For more information please refer to Coogee Titanium's dedicated website at this link:

We seek interested partners to work with us towards commercializing our products. If you are interested in further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Titanium Enquiries:



What is Xanthates? Liquid Xanthate is orange to orange brown solution with characteristic pungent xanthates odour, which can be a foul or offensive odour to people, especially to people that are not associated with the metal extraction industry.

Where is it applied?

Xanthates are used in the mining industry as flotation collectors of gold, silver, lead, copper or nickel ores. The flotation circuit produces air bubbles covered in concentrated metal ore, which are recovered as concentrate.

We manufacture Sodium Ethyl Xanthate in a liquid form. We have the capability to manufacture other grades of Xanthates, depending on the customers needs.

The liquid xanathate is transported to the mine site by road tankers and transferred into the site Xanthate storage tank, eliminating the need to handle and dissolve solid material. We also completely eliminate the packaging waste by sourcing all raw materials as bulk liquids and deliver  the product in dedicated liquid road tankers.

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