Proudly Australian owned, with 50 years of chemical manufacturing experience, we have built our reputation on the ability to identify and pursue unique market opportunities where we can add value through the experience, capability, and technical expertise of our people.

Chlor Alkali

Coogee is Australia’s second largest manufacturer of chlor alkali products with three chlor alkali facilities across Australia – one in Perth metro, one in the Bunbury region of Western Australia and one in Brisbane, Queensland.
Chlor alkali products include Chlorine, Caustic Soda, Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Hypochlorite, which are sold into the chemical, mineral processing, mining, water treatment, galvanizing and swimming pool markets

Chlor Alkali story

Chemical Manufacturing

Coogee manufactures high quality chemicals and regents, supplied into a diverse range of markets including water treatment, mining, pigment and construction.
Our Queensland, Victorian and Western Australian facilities have well established and reliable supply chains, with a strong focus on locally sourced raw materials.
Coogee continues to explore manufacturing opportunities, with our newest plant producing Ferric Sulphate. Being a local manufacturer, Coogee can offer reduced lead times and limit exposure to international price fluctuations. We work closely with our customers to create solutions through local and reliable supply.

Chemical Manufacturing


Methanol is one of the most widely-used chemicals and a fundamental building block for manufacturing of downstream products used in everyday life.
The Coogee Methanol plant in Laverton, Victoria, is operated by Coogee Energy Pty Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Coogee. It is the only methanol production plant in Australia.
This state-of-the-art 70,000tpa facility in Laverton was designed using Johnson Matthey’s low-emission Gas Heated Reforming (GHR) technology, based on the Leading Concept Methanol process (LCM). The plant started operation in 1994 and had been in operation and supplying Methanol in Australia for 22 years.
The plant was placed in care & maintenance mode in March 2016 due to the inability to secure our key natural gas feedstock at a competitive price. For more information please contact

Methanol Process


Since 2008 Coogee Titanium has been driven to impact the future of metal powder technology.

We have a unique and novel, globally protected technology platform that has the potential to impact the additive manufacturing and powder metallurgy industries.

For more information on Coogee’s developing and commercialising a revolutionary melt free titanium alloy powder technology process refer to our dedicated website.

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