Transport & Logistics
Coogee offers our customers transport services from our manufacturing plants and tank terminals to the point of use. We have grown our fleet, taking advantage of innovations and statutory regulations, to offer a large fleet of prime movers, over 159 items of trailing equipment with 46+ dedicated dangerous goods road tankers.
Brisbane, QLD
Coogee’s transport capability includes servicing Queensland with a fleet including both iso-tainers and road tankers, dedicated to the transport of Dangerous Goods including Sulphuric Acid, Xanthates, Copper Sulphate, Sodium Hypochlorite, Hydrochloric Acid and Caustic Soda throughout Queensland, Northern Territory and New South Wales. The Queensland Transport group operates out of Cairns, Coffs Harbour, Gladstone, Lytton and Mount Isa.
Kwinana, WA
Coogee operates its dangerous goods transport from Kwinana, south of Perth in Western Australia to all points in WA. From Albany and Esperance in the south, to the eastern Goldfields and Gascoyne, through to the north-west of the state. We deliver Sulphuric Acid, Caustic Soda, Xanthate and other dangerous goods as a specialist service to many of the state’s largest companies including Alcoa, BHP, CSBP, Tronox and the Water Corporation.
Dedicated Transport Fleet
Coogee has extensive experience in both rail operations and goods transport in both Western Australia and Queensland. We use rail to deliver dedicated isotainers of Caustic and Sodium Hypochlorite to regional customers, Coogee depots, and interstate. In addition we coordinate second leg road freight from rail unloading to final destination. Our fleet of dedicated isotainers have been custom built to comply with rail and road transport regulations.
Coogee owns and operates our Kwinana Diesel rail siding which enables Ampol fuel to be transported to Kalgoorlie in dedicated fuel wagons to service the mining and transport requirements of the Goldfields region.
In addition, Coogee owns and operates a dedicated rail siding in Kalgoorlie which has the ability to unload, store and reload rail cargo at our Kalgoorlie depot.
Sulphuric Acid Rail Siding, Kwinana, WA
We service international customers by sea transport to New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, and Thailand. Coogee continues to look for opportunities to expand our international customer base. We currently ship Aluminium Sulphate, Hydrochloric Acid, and Sodium Hypochlorite. Our dedicated import/export team ensure seamless freight coordination to make sure our customers receive quality products in-full, on time.
Coogee is also experienced in handling bulk tanker discharge into our Terminals at Kwinana and Port Hedland in Western Australia and Gladstone in Queensland. Our team are proficient in loading and unloading a range of bulk cargo’s including Fuels, Sulphuric Acid, Caustic Soda, Toluene, and Ethanol. These operations run 24 x 7 x 365 and include sampling and testing of products during the discharge process to ensure strict adherence to quality standards and specifications.
Loaded Shipping Container for Export
Coogee owns and operates a vast number of product pipelines. Our strategically located pipeline networks allow us to transfer bulk liquids seamlessly to and from local Port facilities, into and out of our terminals, to adjacent customer facilities, and to Coogee road and rail load-out gantries.
Our pipeline network are a combination of dedicated and multi product pipelines which enables us to transport a wide range of products on a 24 x 7 x 365 basis to ensure our customers receive product when they need it. Coogee owns dedicated wharflines which allow us to load and discharge bulk liquid cargo’s safely and efficiently into our terminals.
- Dedicated wharflines in Kwinana, WA, Port Hedland, WA, and Gladstone, QLD.
- Direct connections to the BP Kwinana Terminal and the Ampol Lytton Refinery.
- Coogee owned pipelines that link directly to neighbouring customers in the Kwinana Industrial Precinct.
- Coogee manage and operate the Kwinana Bulk Jetty industry manifold to facilitate product movement on and off this complex wharf.
Diesel Gantry Pipeline Network
Dangerous Goods Storage
Coogee has established the Kwinana Dangerous Goods Storage Facility (KDGS), where individual classes of non-compatible dangerous goods can be stored safely using world’s best practice of segregation and separation according to all regulations controlling these goods.
Most type of cargo can be stored within the Kwinana facility, whether Dangerous Goods, or simply general cargo containers.
The KDGS is an AQIS-approved site and licensed as a bonded store for Customs. Coogee’s transport division also provides logistics for container and ISO-tainer transport including container lifting, loading, shipping, booking, steam and water heating of ISO-tainer as a one stop shop.
Dangerous Goods Storage Facility, Kwinana, WA
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